The Lab Rats

Start Thinking

The Lab Rats formed, according to drummer Will, when they “found a bunch of guns in Taylor's basement and we figured, ‘well, we've got guns and a sense of self-righteousness, so why not start a militia?’” If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area, chances are you’ve seen the Lab Rats. In the year they’ve been playing together, they’ve played nearly every week, opening for acts like The Nerve Agents, The Distillers, Tsunami Bomb, All Bets Off, and Quest For Quintana Roo. Now they are a headliner at places like 924 Gilman St. in their own right. With the exception of Will, the 17-year-old former drummer of The Jocks, all the members of The Lab Rats are 16 and under. They play old-school hardcore with no apologies, bringing to mind bands like Youth of Today, Gorilla Biscuits and Negative Approach. This is their first Full Length recorded poolside in Marin county by a a close aquaintance of the Crash Test Dummies, following on the heels of a tape released on Smath earlier in 2001.

Listen: What We've Built

Videos:Some great reward